Speaking of sharks (lame transition, I know) have you tried Groove Shark ? I realize I'm probably the very last person to the party on this website, but I don't care, it is totally AWESOME! You can live stream songs, artists, even entire albums for free. So far they seem to have an incredibly large selection of music (I'm currently listening to Advent songs from Sojourn. . . nothing like a little Christmas in August, right?) This would also be a great way to find new music from your favorite artists as well since they have all of the albums for each artist. I have a feeling this site will be a great addition to all of my other time wasting internet activities (facebook, pinterest, stumble upon, etc.) So when your Pandora stations start to fail by playing too much Weird Al Yankovic (trust me, it's happened) go ahead and check out Groove Shark.
P.S. let me know if you find any great new artists!
Check out Spotify, too. It rocks.