Sunday, November 6, 2011

Let there be light

This is now the 3rd GV house we have lived in that seriously lacked in the overhead lighting department. They must have had some major issues with electricity in the late 1800's!
Since we are using our front entry as our dining room, not having overhead lighting makes it very difficult to actually eat dinner in.

Fortunately, our good friends Will and Courtney just happened to be getting rid of an over head light fixture  that they said we could have (because man are those things expensive)!

The only problem then was how to put electricity where there previously was none. Now, if this issue were left up to me, I would say, "Not possible, we will just have to buy a new house that has overhead lighting," but that's where Joe "I make electricity happen" Arnold comes in.
I really wish I could have helped more at this point, but I was in the middle of rewatching a few episodes of LOST. 

Then Joe cut a trail in the ceiling, which led to this:
Which then led to these everywhere:

All this home renovation makes Batman thirsty

I'm sure it was really difficult for Joe to put in the overhead lighting, but I was too busy with my own "project breadbox":

Joe's parents came up to help with the light switch wiring (because google wasn't getting it done), and 1.5 days later, we have an overhead light:

We still have a lot of ceiling patching to do, but I'm pretty pumped about the progress we've made. Rowdy is pretty excited too:



  1. NICE! Now that you're old pros maybe you can show us how to do the same thing in our dining room!
